November, 2008
22nd IPMA World Congress
(Carol Dekkers, Quality Plus Technologies, and Pekka Forselius)
ICT (Information and Communications Technology) projects are some of the most complex, monolithic, and costly of all project management challenges today. While project management has provided rigor and structure to such software intensive systems projects, project management alone is insufficient to bridge the gap between customers (who find it difficult to articulate their requirements to get the results that they need) and suppliers (who are the technical brains behind the project delivery). It is a weekly occurrence for industry journals to publish the latest ICT program failures that range from projects canceled after years and euros spent to projects that are years late and millions of euros over budget. Two radical approaches from different parts of the world were developed independently to take advantage of known best-practices available to the software industry – northernSCOPE™ from Finland, and southernSCOPE from Australia. Both concepts involve a multi-disciplinary approach (similar to the triathlon approach where multiple athletic skills are needed) to solving more than six out of the ten top reasons for project failure. This paper presents an analogous look at how the formal scope management concepts mirror triathlon athlete performance in training and racing – and how they can bring success to your next ICT project.
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