4SUM Partners is a reliable partner for several small and medium sized companies and not-for-profit associations. Below is a list of our current partners, but if you want to know more about us, visit here.
Quality Plus Technologies is our training partner in the USA. It’s a private consulting company, specialized in IT measurement, quality, and process improvement. Our contact person at Quality Plus is Carol Dekkers (dekkers(at)qualityplustech.com).
Delta Axiom is our training partner in Denmark. Delta Axiom is collaboration between three independent companies and DELTA IT-Processes, formed to offer a complete range of products within the area of process improvement. This includes assessments, process improvement and training that facilitates process improvement in key process areas. Our contact person is Morten Korsaa (mko(at)deltaaxiom.com).
Mediaan GmbH is our training partner in Germany. Mediaan GmbH is a subsidiary of Mediaan/abs b.v. Find out more about Mediaan below. Our German contact person is Manfred Seufert (mse(at)mediaanabs.de).
Mediaan/abs b.v. is our training partner in the Netherlands. Mediaan’s core business is assisting clients and supervising ITC projects in several European countries with its experienced consultants. Contact person at Mediaan Netherlands is Marcel Pereboom (mpe(at)mediaan.nl).
MagiaDigital (Peru)
MagiaDigital is our training and marketing partner in Peru. It is a private company that develops Internet solutions, like portals, websites, social media, new media, web design, etc.
Juan José Miranda del Solar
The Finnish Information Processing Association FIPA (Finland)
FIPA is our training partner in Finland. It is an independent association of Finnish ICT professionals and companies that provide ICT products and services or use them. FIPA’s main objective is to develop the professional skills of its members by means of networking, member activities, training, publishing, research and development. Our contact person at FIPA is Saila Sihtola (saila.sihtola(at)ttlry.fi).
ECQA, European Certification and Qualification Association, is a non-for-profit association, joining institutions and several thousands of professionals from all over the Europe and abroad. It provides world-wide unified certification schema for numerous professions. Certified Scope Manager is one of the job roles promoted and supported by ECQA.
FiSMA, Finnish Software Measurement Association, is an independent registered association focusing on better management through improving the quality and measurability of software and systems engineering. FiSMA is the original developer of northernSCOPE™ concept and the owner of the trade mark. FiSMA has outsourced the promotion and maintenance of the concept to 4SUM Partners.
IFPUG, International Function Point Users Group, is a non-profit, member governed organization. The mission of IFPUG is to be a recognized leader in promoting and encouraging the effective management of application software development and maintenance activities through the use of Function Point Analysis and other software measurement techniques.
ISBSG, International Software Benchmarking Standards Group, is a not-for-profit organisation that established and now grows, maintains and exploits two repositories of IT history data (software metrics) to help improve the management of IT globally. 4SUM Partners is one of the sponsors of the ISBSG.